Friday 24 March 2023

The Low IQ Discussion

 In my Air Force years, about every six months, I'd come across someone with exceptionally low IQ.  

They were competent enough to perform normal regular tasks.  If you came to them with a fresh new problem out of thin air?  Well....that usually became a major problem, and any resolution was long and drawn out.

I won't say they were unproductive or a major problem.  It's just that they wanted things to stay 'status-quo'....meaning if things just worked....don't screw it up by changing things.  

For a number of years, I didn't see a problem with these people or status-quo.  

At some point, this group 'morphed' into a weird state of mind....they were anti-status-quo and wanted to bring 'change'.  In most cases, they never considered consequences or assigned a 'cost-factor' to the crapped-up changes they were bringing. 

It hit me one day (1990s)...that they were no longer enlisted people....they were captains, majors, and even generals.  They were people with degrees in some cases.

My guess the 1970s and was weakened enough...that folks with low IQs got into colleges, and were marginally accomplishing a degree.

The problem I now see long as these people were in the landscape and not in positions of authority....I didn't see a problem with them.  With them in leadership roles?  It starts to worry me a bit.  

Note: If you've never seen the movie 'Idiocracy', you might want to take some time and review it.  Excellent reference material.


Bigus Macus said...

Ruling Class COVERS UP Its Own Findings That Fluoride Lowers IQs | SHTF Plan

LargeMarge said...

I think that only works if I eat more than one full toothpaste tube with each meal.
As long as I eat a half a toothpaste tube, I should be fine... but then, I would be under my Minimum Daily Requirements 'as established by the American Dentifrice Foundation'... a division of Pfizer Industries.
I just don't know what to believe.