Monday 5 August 2024

This Odd Thing About Diversity, Equity And Inclusion

 In a lot of companies and educational organizations's hyped-up about DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion).

Yet, when you say that so-and-so was hired under the 'umbrella' of diversity, equity and inclusion....folks seem to get disturbed and upset.

I paused over this dilemma.  It's just odd.

You go out and hire four new employees for the company, with stringent rules in place...forcing you to use DEI-thinking, and a month after you hire the quietly say in some talk with management that they were DEI-hirees. 

People get disturbed.  Logic? seems like you are saying that DEI-hirees are lesser people, and you wouldn't have hired them under normal non-DEI conditions.

This naturally triggers people into being defensive....that if you utter this guy or gal was a DEI-hiree....they just aren't as capable as others.

But the more you pause over this and think about it....that is true design of brought a lesser candidate into the company.  Maybe they will eventually improve....maybe you wake up in six years to realize that the person was a zero-fit for the organization and you really screwed up. 

Would you use DEI to select a New York Yankees team?  Well....NO.  There's money and the fan-base...on the line.

Would you use DEI to select astronauts?  I kinda doubt it.

Would you use DEI to choose the head idiot of the Star Wars studio? Maybe, but I might end up some crappy story where Luke Skywalker's son is a transwoman, and some Wookie has taken up a relationship with the 'gal'.  In this storyline with DEI actually appreciate the clone of Darth Vader killing off a bunch of characters. 

Would you use DEI to select a President?  Well....maybe it'd work, but mostly because you have forty people around them who make up for all the weak points, and you (the President) just promote yourself as the acting-President....when it's six to ten folks who really carry out the function of the Presidency. 

Just something to think about.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The concept of 'interchangeable' comes to mind.
For my hypothetical business, all I need is a diversity to fill a slot and satisfy the beta-males and strong brave independent wymyn (some overlap (I blame toe-foo)) courageously writing-n-enforcing the regulations-code-standards-requirements-'laws'.
Why interchangeable?
I am hiring for the diversity, not skills nor experience.
I am hiring a seat-warmer.
Color and/or sex are my only requirement for the hire.
Fact is, I have no work for my newly-created position, so skills and experience are irrelevant in the first place.
The diversity is only here to satisfy some arbitrary ratio.
For example, let's take this Kamala "stop mentioning my university period '>500' excesses" harris character:
* uutterly incapable of acting like TheLeaderOfTheFreeWorld®.
* seems heck-bent on consistently proving she is merely another interchangeable diversity hire.
* her laughing spells indicate an understanding of her innate incompetence, expressed as embarrassment.
And I think -- without a shred of evidence -- the harris character is AI-generated.
The computers are just messing with us...