Wednesday 22 January 2020

Five Take-Aways From Day One of the Impeachment

I've watched around 75 minutes of clips from yesterday....early here in the AM.  So five things that I kinda noted:

1.  All this effort by Senator Schumer....trying to add 'rules' with the amendment process?  He's bluffing his way with a lousy 'hand of cards' and doesn't seem to have great luck with the extra rule business.

2.  The suggestion of giving the Senators more subpoena power (another Schumer idea) on White House documents?  It's going nowhere, and some folks point out that it's a strong indicator of the House sending over an incomplete package, which simply wasn't ready for action.  There was homework required, and the House screwed up.

3.  The suggestion of hoax material in the House package?  Well, it's going to be a problem if this is proven.  It'll just be another reason to end the whole thing in two weeks.

4.  The fact that the first day session at midnight is still going on?  I would imagine that more than forty of the Senators are tired, and they've not going to be capable of handling this type of environment for more than two weeks, before their wit and sharpness disappears.  The fact that most of these Senators are over the age of 60?  It just adds problems.

5.  Bringing Bolten into the mess?  Maybe they think they have some 'power'....but the President still maintains executive power and will 'trump' them on the passage of this idea.  I have my doubts that Bolten will be appearing.

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