Thursday 12 March 2020

I Had a Case of What-the-Hell

In the summer of 2015, selling me on the idea of Donald Trump was more or less a joke.  Course, having 15-odd Republicans....of which half were 'fake' in some way....cluttered up the campaign season.  By January of 2016.....I come to view Trump in a different way.  So I was sold on three factors:

1.  I wanted the 'bull-in-the-china-shop' situation.  Not just a regular china shop....but the literal 25,000 square feet china shop.  I didn't want the 1,500 pound bull....I wanted the 2,500 pound bull who had rage.  I was fed up with both the Republican and Democratic Party.  Both had done enough silly things over thirty years to deserve the 'bull-treatment'.  I wanted NAFTA to get the full bull-treatment.  I wanted China to get the full bull-treatment.  I wanted sanctuary cities to get the full bull-treatment. 

2.  I wanted someone who would drag the news media into a 24-hour-7-day-a-week tirade....where nothing of news worthiness would be assembled or talked about in any way or shape....except the destruction of the President.  And after six-odd months of that, I figured that the fake news media units would be in a pit of zero-profitability and unable to get any viewers for their theatrical production. 

3.  Finally, I guess I just liked the approach of the Apprentice Show.....where folks got fired for incompetence.  Either you performed, or you left the show.  Since day one of the Trump-period, there's probably been over two-hundred folks with a status in DC.....who have left the 'show' on their own....some were fired.  All throughout the Clinton, Bush II and Obama years.....there were dozens of folks who deserved to be fired, and just stuck around. 

Oh I would be nice to have some intellectual who quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson or Rocky (from Bullwinkle) on a daily basis. 

It would have been nice to have insider who had all three of the secret telephone numbers to Chancellor Merkel of Germany (even her super-secret phone in the bedroom).

It would have been nice to have some pretender President with the acting ability of Liam Neeson. 

It would have been nice to have some spark-plug character for President who repairs Chevys on his weekends off, and always has a Sunday bar-b-q. 

It would have been nice to have some President who did a once-a-year grizzly-hunt in Alaska, and had three journalists who hiked with him for twelve hours a day....sipping whiskey while resting, and spicing up the conversation talking over Baton Rouge hookers or eating beef jerky at the nightly campfire.

It would have been nice to have some President who had a PhD from Harvard, a masters degree in Aerodynamic Design, a bachelors degree in Aztec art, and an associates degree from some Nashville landscaping school. 

The problem is....we've been faked-out so much....that folks are applying for the job with a resume that seems to fit on a 3x5 inch card.  Your muffler guy (Larry) might be as talented as half the folks who ran in the past sixteen years.  Your whacked-out cousin who mostly sells meth....seems to talk more coherently than two or three of the candidates on the Democratic platform for 2020. 

So I went with the bull-in-the-china-shop situation, and figured....what the hell. 

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