Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Dismal Awe We Have

Generally, if you want some kind of insight into farming, you go to one of two people.....a farmer or a Farm Ag-Agent. 

Generally, if you want some insight on illicit drugs, you go to a dope-dealer or a licensed doctor. 

Generally, if you want some information or insight on transmissions, you go to a mechanic.

Generally, if you want insight on women, you go to a honky tonk bartender, or someone who has been married five or more times.

So I don't have much in a positive way to say when I stand there and have to listen to some Hollywood idiot talk about anything other than their recent movie, or the renovation of their Hollywood mansion.  Their insight on the environment, politics, the economy, or jungles collapsing in Peru...isn't of any value to me.

To be honest, I don't remember this being a big deal in the 1970s or 1980s.  It just seems like some 'creatures' wandered out of the woods in the all hyped-up and then convinced the public that their opinion mattered.

Presently?  I've reached the stage where the 'mute-button' seems to be helping me with this insight problem.  I wish some Hollywood dimwit would come out and talk more about the mute-button, and convince people to use it more often.

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