Saturday 2 May 2020

Simply Observations

1.  The odds of airline reservations picking up by mid-summer?

Look, just using Delta as an example....around late April, they'd cut 70-percent of flights.  You'd have to go and swear to folks that it's all 'fine' to sit next to some guy on the left and right of you.  Out of a hundred folks asked with the question, I would imagine that 80-percent would say that they'd only travel in a situation like this.....if this were serious (like some relative bad-off).

In this case, it's the fear, more than reality that is bothering folks.  Then you add to it....some TSA dimwit who seems all-sweaty to you.....wanting to check your britches, and touching in various ways.

So I just don't see a 50-percent flight plan being possible until early in 2021.  Can the airlines wait like that?  Probably not.

2.  This dip in Common Core testing....serious?

Basically, math and grammar skills are going down, in a trend-sort-of-way.  Unless something happens in the next year or two.....I don't see Common Core surviving.

As for the next phase?  Probably something called Common Core-Plus, and trying to convince you that things will improve, if you shove more money into this program.

Here's the thing, when you deliver 'Ricky' to college and they test him....saying he's got terrible skills in English and can only lead to one thing.  You will have to place Ricky in some stupid high-school-like class at the college and spend $3,000 paying for two to three classes for Ricky to get smart enough to attend college.

What was high school about?'s there to baby-sit Ricky and you will eventually have to pay for some fake school existing between high-school and make up for the fraudulent schooling that exists today.

3.  Is it true that you are 4.8 times more likely to die from the Coroniavirus, if your governor is a Democrat?

Someone did the numbers business and came to this analysis.  Now, there are some problems with this.

First, you could be in Alabama, where we have a fake Republican pretending to be such.....when she is mostly a blue-Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

Second, some states are faking their death numbers, by saying when you died of a heart was Corona instead.

Finally, if this were ALL'd suddenly get tens of thousands of people up and leaving Democratic states.  So don't start such a story and pass it around.  Those fools need to stay where they are.

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