Sunday 18 July 2021


 1.  So when these Texas legislative democrats packed up and 'ran' off from the state....on a private DC, I noted that they wanted an image of themselves on the plane.  The photo?  It's about fifteen of them, unmasked and waving (while on the plane).  Breaking Covid rules?  Well....YEAH.

So word comes out last night that 3 of the folks (sitting in DC) now have Covid.  No one is saying they are in dire Covid, or mild Covid...just that they tested positive.  The odds that the majority will be tested by tomorrow and show the virus?  I'd take a wild guess that it's better than 50-percent.  The photo image now?  It really hurts their cause a good bit.

2.  Gunfire at the MLB game in DC?  Somewhere in the 6th inning....folks could hear 3 shots fire, and immediately people took cover.  Current info is that 3 folks were wounded.  

Having been to the stadium in the past, I'll just note that they built it on the far SE end of DC, in a questionable area.  

3.  Biden is basically unable to explain why he has two separate and unequal asylum/migrant policies (regular Latinos - OK, Cubans and Haitians - NOT OK).  

It's almost like a racist agenda.  

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