Tuesday 18 January 2022

Voting Rights to the Common Man

 If you sat down with ten regular working-class people and said there needs to be a written 'word' on voting rights.....after eight hours of talks....the entire end-result would be around forty lines of text.

You'd have a piece written to say 'one-man, one-vote'.

You'd have some text to say you register ahead of time in your home state.

You'd write a piece to say multiple voting gets you actual jail time or a fine.

To suggest that you'd write some text that only the federal government can control this.....would be laughed upon by the people in this group.

For Biden and team to suggest that 500-odd pages of text is required?  That would be laughed upon as well.

So I don't see this federalization of elections to be going anywhere.  In fact, if you gauged people....on the top 100 problems in the nation....this federal voting situation doesn't fall into that position.  The fact that President Biden doesn't grasp this?  

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