Sunday 22 May 2022

Why Would You Need A Government Disinformation To 'Save' You?

 For about a month, I've pondered over this Homeland Security invention....the Disinformation Governance Board.  This past week (week three since admitting it exists).....the WH (not Homeland Security apparently) dumped the 'boss' and has gone to some underground stage.

Disinformation....for the sake of this the willful act of telling you something (fake news, false facts) to convince you of something (leading you to an agenda).

I tend to argue that prior to the internet/social media era.....we had a marginal problem (probably for the past 200 years).  Most people who came out of the 1960s/1970s.....up until social media/fake news....could review a story, and just measure the fakeness....coming to a decision that it was incorrect.  But this was based off just having newspapers, news magazines, and a limited amount of TV.

I would also argue that over the past two content has more than doubled, and in some cases.....people are blitzed three to four hours a day.  In some cases, even around the office get news-blitzed.  Driving to/from work, you get blitzed.  And even in your local get blitzed.

 In simple are blasted way too be able to discern disinformation on your own.  

The government pretending it can resolve this?  The minute that we reach some level where their 'truth' is fake....the entire reason for the board goes away.  

If you wanted a training module to recognize fake news or disinformation?  I would suggest watching all of the 317 episodes of South Park.  Even a 12-year old kid could gain a fair amount of reference by watching the cartoon.  In particular, I'd suggest watching the ManBearPig episode.

At some point before the end of 2022....I think the board will resurface and be a major part of the Biden 'brand'.  As for trusting the disinformation board?  It'll never happen.

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