Wednesday 11 October 2023

The Thing About Low IQ People

 Over my life (now closing in on 65 years), I've had to deal occasionally with low IQ people.  I reached some point in my mid-twenties.....where I realized it was best to avoid them as much as possible, and if forced to engage with them....keep it simple and short.

There are seven things I've learned over the years:

1.  Low IQ people typically don't learn lessons (making a mistake and never reviewing it to avoid making it again).  I think it's not that they avoid 'learning''s just that they don't prioritize it as being significant.

2.  Anything 'new' that comes out....tends to be avoided by low IQ people.  It could be a movie idea, music, computer programs, or even new technology.

3.  People's views on things tend to evolve (change).  But with low IQ stays on the original path as much as possible.

4.  Consequences on long-term issues....aren't a priority for low IQ people.  

5.  It's best not to be sarcastic or offer sarcasm to a low IQ person.....they won't get it.

6.  On decision-making....they (the low IQ types) usually limit the pro's and con's to just what you can count on one-single hand.  Beyond that, they are challenged.

7.  Finally, even if a low-IQ learns 'something'.....being able to apply it or rationalize it into a formula or plan for use later.....won't be possible.  

Do we need low IQ  folks?  Yes....somebody has to flip burgers.  You just don't want to deal with the burger flippers on a daily basis.

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