Saturday 24 February 2024

I Live Under Ten General Rules In Life

 1.  There is a tide in the affairs of men...which taken, at the flood....leads onto fortune.  Omitted or skipped?  All the voyage of their life is bound in shadows and miseries.

(Meaning?  Never avoid problems in life...take the risks and see where they lead)

2.  Strong minds discuss ideas....average minds discuss events.  Weak minds?  Mostly limited to people.

(Socrates saying.....avoid gossip and BS-chatter over leads nowhere).

3.  Fixing broke things should not be a full-time job.

4.   It only takes one missing piece out of a thousand piece crap up your day.

5.  Its safe to say half of your work-day ought to be in making mental notes, and not saying much in terms of criticism.

6.  Plato preached an awful lot on moderation.  He didn't mean just food or wine....he meant in terms of arguments, passions, and desires.  It's safe to say half of society is on full max turbo, with no care about moderation.  

7.  You can over-analyze the point where nothing makes sense out of a simple pecan pie recipe. 

8.  We are in a continual trend....building and breaking habits.  Don't get fixated on things staying the same.

9.  You need stupid/low IQ people, but you'd best not rely upon them.

10.  You don't need to put 300-percent effort into a job that only requires 100-percent effort.  

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