Tuesday 12 March 2024

Smuggling Story

 I sat and watched a brief piece from yesterday....FBI 'boss' saying ISIS has a new income gimmick.....helping to smuggle people into Mexico...to cross the US border.

Pay per person?  Unknown.  

Numbers?  Mostly unknown.

How did the FBI figure this out?  Oddly, that part of the story wasn't readily told.  I thought over how the FBI works.  One might imagine FBI duo with nothing much going on, and walking into a refugee center to ask stupid questions. Ten minutes later....'holy smokes' is probably the response, and they file a report.

'Smuggling-R-Us'?  Well....yeah.  They figured out some unused freighters exist, and rig up hauling couple hundred....probably charging $5k a trip.   Couple million in profit....dock for half-a-day, and return for second run.

How they would stop this?  Unknown.  Even if Mexico enforced some control on docking....you could slide into Honduras and dock there to unload the crowd.

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