Sunday 13 October 2019

ISIS to Surge Back Up Now?


I sat and read through various idiots who wanted to hint to you that ISIS will come back in Syria, after the American military leaves.  There's a problem with this 'hint'.

First, they would need money from their former capitalists who were funneling them the money before.  For some odd reason, I don't think these people exist anymore. 

Second, the funny support that they got from various Saudis in the background?  I would suggest that this war in Yemen, and the problems with consume their interests.

Third, for ISIS to make a comeback....they need manpower.  Between what Assad, the Russians, the Syrian Army, and the US did....there's a whole bunch of them buried six feet down or sitting in Syrian prison camps.  Getting folks all hyped-up in Europe for another round of recruitment?  No, I wouldn't count on that.

Finally, for good need some success story out of the past five years in Iraq and Syria.  Is there anything that you can openly brag about? 

So no, I don't see ISIS making much of a comeback.  They'd need to retire the 'brand', and open up a whole new vision of their sales job. 

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