Saturday 12 October 2019

A Short Thirty Year Story

Back in 1992, some business folks analyzed things in the Americas, and noted that Venezuela was now classified as the third-richest nation (out of 35).  Oil, natural gas, tourism....were all booming.

Five years later, an amazing thing happens.....the Ford F150 pick-up picks up purchase steam, and is the number two vehicle purchased in Venezuela. 

You could have sat there and grinned...being a resident of Venezuela, and felt that life was getting a lot better.  The middle-class was growing, and things looked great.

Around 2001/2002, the word 'inequality' starts to be used by various political groups.  There's unfairness being discussed by the public.

Around twelve years would pass, and now you have opposition political leaders arrested or detained on a weekly basis.  The country is in turmoil.  The economy is wrecked, and just getting enough toilet paper for daily a big deal. 

Within three years of that point, the Constitution is suspended, and elections, while discussed, are a forbidden action.

'Equality' now?  It's a pretty sure thing.....everyone is now equal, and living in a third-world country....suffering economic woes, and everyone agrees that they made it as equal as possible.  No one wants equality now, but they can't find the way back out of this maze. 

Kinda funny to think how it was in 1992, and how far things have fallen. 

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