Wednesday 26 April 2023

Eight Things Joe Biden Could Do To Ensure His Win In 2024

 1.  Admit he was into LGBTQ stuff before anyone else, and he had a 'special' friend all the way back into the 1980s.

2.  Give a one-hour speech without a teleprompter and no mistakes.

3.  Whop VP Harris in the head each time she gives some 44-word single-sentence that makes no sense.

4.  Admit Hunter screwed up on taxes, and actually does owe $17 more on his 2019 tax paperwork.

5.  Open up the top secret stuff and admit....yeah, we've got five UFOs and he's personally flown one of them.

6.  Admit he's had dementia since 2004, and it's under full-control with special drugs developed in Mexico.

7.  Announce that he's bringing in six elephants to lounge and live on White House grounds.

8.  Admit he's written four romance novels since his VP days....all best-sellers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Biden doesn’t need to campaign when he has a ballot harvesting apparatus in every key state.