Wednesday 24 June 2020

BLM Chatter

I noticed this little six-line item come up....a fairly influential black capitalist (it's accurate to say everything he a success), who was interviewed on BLM.  What he said, was a bit curious.

He suggested.....since BLM is all powered-up....they should remove themselves from the Democratic Party, bring blacks to the movement, and develop themselves solely as a third-party. 

So you sit and ponder upon this.

The top twenty BLM folks are probably freaking out because this is NOT the script, and they don't want the movement to get any funny ideas like this.  These are the people who are actually paid to run on BLM and form movements.  They get paid real money for their purpose. 

Behind that twenty, there are another hundred guys who occasionally see a small bit of cash, and they are probably thinking....'YEAH, we could form our party and edge those stupid Democrats out'.

The Democrats?  They are shaking their head....they can't afford to lose the black vote, and have it run off unattached. 

The reality here?  Personally, I don't think more than 30-percent of blacks really see the BLM movement as something they'd attach themselves to.  The vast majority of blacks (particularly working-class).....don't want Marxism or some radical movement running their lives. 

So, you'd end up with one-third of blacks attached to the GOP, maybe 40-percent attached to the Democrats, and 30-percent attached to BLM's little party.  In simple terms, the black vote would be marginalized.  At this point, you understand the black capitalist guy and his 'talk'.  BLM would be marginalized and ineffective....but it'd hurt the Democrats in a serious way. 

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