Wednesday 24 June 2020


About thirty years ago, I got into a discussion with a guy who I respected and we were discussing German of which is Utopianism.

To break the word's basically a group of people on some dream-fantasy level....searching or designing a place where everything is perfect or ideal.  Streets are lined with wonderful shade trees.  City parks are evident every half-mile.  Trolleys pick up people and transport them across the city in minutes.

Yeah....things that basically unrealistic or just plain idealistic.

You see this a lot in various cultures and societies but the Germans tend to take this to the peak of thinking.  You can fix every problem....if you just have enthusiasm and willpower.

I look at this Minneapolis effort to disconnect the police and go without them.  It's basic Utopianism.  On paper, it makes sense to dump them.  But the reality will invent something that either closely resembles what you dumped, or you create massive chaos.

Some folks would agree on dismantling the police, but then handling everyone pistols and ensure 'peace'.  Their idea is that if someone couldn't behave or be halfway ''nice"....the threat of a weapon would be the corrective measure.

Some other folks think that each patrol should be made up of a real police guy, and a social worker (unarmed).  In this case, I'd go and predict that in an average year in least a dozen social workers will be assaulted or killed, with the accusation coming up that the accompanying policeman refused to 'protect' the poor social worker. 

Thats the thing about just sounds so good on paper, or in some university classroom, but it never works in the practical sense. 

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