Thursday 14 July 2022


 1.  What's the mid-terms really about?

Four things: gasoline cost, recession, Democrats unable to define over 20 things in a public forum, and abortion.  Here's the chief problem....except for's the worst position for the Democratic Party in thirty-odd years.

2.  How are Joe and Jill Biden getting all of these screwed-up speech scripts?

Maybe just plain bad luck....but you have to wonder about the people who support the couple in the White House and their resumes.  Maybe these folks aren't that qualified for the work required.

3.  Explaining this 10-year old rape/abortion thing in Ohio?

Well....a illegal alien raped a 10-year old Ohio girl.  Local authorities did everything possible not to report this up to the state AG or state authorities.  Someone on President Biden's team heard about half the story, and it was appropriate for the abortion chatter....not grasping it was an illegal alien story.

4.  How long will this Twitter legal case drag on?

Well....if you count appeals, and eventually getting to the Supreme Court....probably four years. Most of the Twitter board will have left and gone into some hiding situation in Costa Rica by that point.  

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