Saturday 16 July 2022

Saving Us From the Evil Nazis

 Yesterday....the Democrats in the House passed an amendment to the military budget....that basically says for the Pentagon to 'fire' (remove) any military members who are white supremacists, Nazi-supporters, or extremists.

So the question should be asked.....just how many Nazis are in the US military.

Throughout my period (1977 to 1999, and the decade after that as a contractor)....I never came across a Nazi-enthusiast in that entire time-frame.

White supremacists?  You mean KKK-people?  None of them either.  

Now, I admit....I worked around the IT and intelligence field, and what you mostly had were people with unique sexual habits....individuals with extreme OCD.....and borderline schizophrenia folks.  

Will anyone get kicked out.....mostly based on extremist-labels?  I would take a guess that over the next year....there might be forty-odd people let-go.  If you'd say sexual-deviants needed to exit?  Oh, it'd probably go up into the 5,000 range....but they aren't a those evil Nazi characters.

Is there anything really positive out of this effort? can pat your House member on the back and thank him for helping to eradicate Nazis from the US military.  If you'd gone back to 1980 and said Nazis in the Army or Navy would be a big deal in 2022?  Most people would have laughed, but that's how far society has moved in the past fifty years.  

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