Thursday 13 April 2023


 I had to look up the phrase today.

So, if you were had a irrational fear of normal sexed-up folks....folks that only do regular sex with the opposite sex....mostly vanilla in nature of things (you might add stockings, erotic stories, or role-play).

I reviewed the rehab options or treatment for normalphobic people, and there's just not much for medical treatment.  You can't be sent off to some ranch in Texas, or desert resort in Palm Springs.

This is not like BDSMphobia, where you had a irrational fear of bondage or severe discipline.   Nor is it like Claustrophiliaphobia, where you fear having sex in a closet or enclosed area.  Nor is it like interrogationphobia, where you have a irrational fear that 'Wanda' might tie you up and ask questions about your personal life.  

If you sit and ponder about this....realizing it's all about irrational thoughts....then you'd draw the conclusion that just about anything (even brushing your teeth, or washing your hands after using the toilet).....might disturb some folks.  Even if you ate a triple-helping of bacon-and-eggs this morning and farted....some irrational guy might get all disturbed that you cut one (farted) and fartphobia would start up.

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