Friday 12 July 2024

Rumor BS On Trump Agenda-25

 1.  Trump will apparently make it illegal to shift from 2nd gear to 3rd gear....saying you can only shift to 4th gear.  

2.  Trump will force Jeep to reduce metal content in the vehicle by 40-percent...thus eliminating safety items and making it affordable once again at $25,000.  Included in the new order....deletion of the horn, and light-signals (meaning you go back to using your arm to indicate turning).  

3.  Trump intends to revitalize M-TV and bring energy back to the lame network.

4.  Trump intends to lower educational you can be finished with high-school by the 9th grade.

5.  Trump will force the NFL to add a 12th player onto the improve employment in America.

6.  Trump intends to bring Stormy to a cabinet-level position.

7.  Trump will institute a $11 tax on all banjos sold in America.

8.  Trump will release the seven aliens (non-humans), and make them US citizens.

9.  Trump intends to order NBC to bring back ALF.

10.  Trump will deport all non-Americans back to their home-country....if they say the US is a sh**-hole.  

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