Sunday 4 August 2024

Seven Observations

 1.  For the past couple of years, through various banks...there were short-term CD accounts (1-month, an 3-month). the past two weeks....those have virtually disappeared, and if you were chatting to a bank over 6-month or 12-month deals....they've dropped about half-a-point....being just at 4.95 usually.

Indicator of something?  Just guessing....banks are sensing something will occur before the end of 2024.  And I don't think it's a happy or positive thing.

2.  This past week's effort...."White Dudes For Harris" zoom session? 

Listening to the chatter, and after hitting mute about 15 minutes into just seemed to me to be some intellectual white KKK-like group.  Just seemed odd....they were in the past....all low-IQ working class guys.  

3.  Someone has decided that we need a movie about Brittney Spears.  Just shaking my head.

4.  The Green 'Power-Ranger'.....arrested this week for assault on some Idaho guy.

5.  If you really wanted to fix the Supreme Court....there ought to be 50 members....each from their own state, and appointed by the state system....leaving the President, the House, and Senate out of the selection process.  Each case that comes a random selection process to haul in seven folks and one sub.  

6.  There is a time and place for drag shows, and if you want to pay $12 for a beer and one-hour of drag stuff at the VFW hall...fine.  Beyond that....thinking you'd want drag entertainment for a NFL half-time show, or some Olympics show, or a Presidential-share-a-chat, it doesn't work.

7.  Just odd....Berkshire Hathaway has apparently dumped more shares this quarter than any other quarter in its entire history.  Something done with the cash?  Well....NO.  They seem to be sitting and waiting.

Yeah, there's a crash coming....probably in the last quarter of 2024.   

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