Sunday 25 February 2018

Gone and Disappeared

It's a case which interests me.

Highly educated black guy....PhD in the medical field. Works for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention out of Atlanta.  Promoted last year to 'commander'.  Thirty-five years old. 

He felt sick....apparently leaving in the middle of the day around 12 Feb.  Then?  He disappears.

It's been two weeks.  Timothy J. Cunningham.

His parents flew down from the northeast to Atlanta.  He did drive home after stating the sick excuse for leaving, and parked the car in front of the house.  No evidence of a fight or such in the house.  Dog is sitting there.  Billfold is there.  Smartphone is there.  Keys here.  Car is out front.

Other than that....nothing else. 

No notes.  No suggestion of leaving the house.  Most dog owners would be dedicated to their pet and not leave the dog like this.  Same with walking out of the house without your just doesn't happen to most guys.

Cops?  They've put out pictures of the guy.  That's about it.  You would think phone calls would be checked and reviewed over the twenty-four hours before he disappeared.

My guess?  I would suspect that some neighbor took him in when he had a serious bout with the flu, and has quietly been nursing the guy back to health.  But you would be wondering about the dog, and the lack of keys.  Several things about this story don't fit.  It's like he stepped out the front door and just kept walking.  One other odd part to the story?  There are two windows in the open position as the family members arrived to check on his status.  This being winter, that makes it awful suspicious.

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