Sunday 27 January 2019

How to Resolve the Budget Mess

It's actually pretty simple.

You write a three-text piece which basically says that if the House, the Senate, and the President can't come to an agreement on the budget each year by 1 July, then the House will dissolve by the end of October, and a new state-by-state election will occur in November.  If you were in the House, you'd have to run again.  And in the Senate, you would mandate that their pay goes down to zero from 1 July, until a new House is elected and in place. 

Based on this system....everyone will be working day and night from January on....with the budget as the number one priority to get completed as early as possible.  Heck, they might even agree on a two-year budget cycle, just to avoid the pain of early elections. 

Yes, you could be talking about a 6-month period of shutdown in the government for the more agreeable House to arrive.  But this would put full and absolute force upon the idiots of both parties to cooperate and just avoid these battles. 

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