Sunday 28 April 2019

Mock Stuff

I noticed this in the news today....that Oxford University (the big-boy's university, for hefty intellectual types).... has discovered that young naive kids attending their college are a bit worried (filled with anxiety) over tests (who would figure that).

So, they found this remedy.  The month prior to the real test.....they intend to stage a practice-test (a mock test).  A full three hours....of fake-testing, to get you around to the point where you won't worry.

I sat and debated this idea. 

If this is such a good idea, why don't we have two practice-elections during presidential election years, say in the month of October, and just get everyone up to the level of accepting that their presidential candidate (maybe Hillary).....might lose.  Then maybe after the second'd reach a point where you realize it's best to just accept this situation, and just not get all freaked-out.

In fact, we could do the same way with employees being fired, by having a mock-firing the day get you around to the level of just accepting this. 

We could even go and have mock NCAA football games.....where a practice game was played between team A and B, and the loss in the practice game would get you to the point of accepting that as being 'OK'. 

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