Tuesday 26 November 2019

A Whats App Story

This is a true story, and you might be amused by it.

So it's mostly about 'X', who is a 53-year old woman.....three times married, and currently with husband three.  I should note, she has a cellphone and uses What App a good bit.

So, X had health issues, and the doctors finally came up to say she had cancer....stage one, and in a resolvable state.  She's sent in the local area to meet Doctor So-V-So.  He's a young guy (early 30s), intelligent, and knows a good bit about uterus cancer (what she had).

Treatment starts up.

A lot of one-on-one conversations.  X was worried about her 'abilities' after treatment, and Doctor So-V-So got really into this topic and discussed it at length.

For whatever reason.....X felt that the doctor was going to the next level....'real friendly'.  We are talking about secret relations 'friendly'.

X handed Doctor So-V-So her cellphone number.

A week later, someone sends X some text via Whats App, and she thinks it's Doctor So-V-So.

Over the next five months, this hot-flash impluse thing starts up, and X is all fired up to have an affair with Doctor So-V-So.

Well....here's the thing.....that text?  Well....it wasn't from Doctor So-V-So.  It was from some guy who'd mistakenly sent her number a text.

As each day passed in this five month period....she was fantasizing a minimum of five hours a day on dumping her husband, and running off with Doctor So-V-So.

Remember, not a single word or text came from the real Doctor So-V-So.  And to be honest, from this mistaken guy.....I doubt if there were more than five text messages exchanged, with limited dialog.  He just didn't realize the mistake that started this.

Then one day, all of this fantasizing reached some peak, and she sent some long extended chat to the phone, and the mistaken guy gets this whole blunt message about him 'toying' with her.  He comments back to her.....well, he ain't Doctor So-V-So.

So begins to unravel this whole secret fantasy situation via Whats App.  The fact that she was entertaining 'firing' her husband and easily running off with someone else who she'd never even had a drink with or lusty moment in bed? 

Five to six months of this, and it comes to some abrupt end, without a real ending.  Just all an illusion. 

Would make a great five-star script for a movie. 

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