Sunday 5 April 2020

Fake COVID-Dead

In the last hour....I sat there look at this CDC 'note' on their web-site. 

It basically says that you (the hospital or doctor standing over the dead guy) think that I might have died from COVID 19 (hint: Wuhan fever, Coronavirus, or China-virus), then you have to list me as dead from COVID 19, and just 'assume that my death was caused by the virus'.....WITHOUT the test.

So I could have been standing in the field when Marvin (my new Brahma bull) came over and stomped me into the ground, and the ambulance crew just wasn't clear at the dumping point about my demise, and I'm listed as COVID-dead.

Or maybe my cousin's meth rage reached a point where he hit me with a baseball, and the ambulance crew wrote something that was unreadable on the I'm listed as COVID-dead.

Or I could have been standing on the roof of my house and gazing at the topless neighbor in her backyard, when I fell and broke my neck.  The doctor looked me over at the hospital, and listed me as COVID-dead.

There's something wrong with this CDC guidance.  If they tested me, and I came up'd be reasonable.  But I could be dead from some heroin overdose heart-attack, and get listed as COVID-dead. 

If this stands up as common policy.....there'll be 150,000 Americans dead by next Saturday.....from COVID 19.  Fake deaths.....the new reality in America. 

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