Saturday 16 May 2020

The Problem With Rules

"In California our rule is if you play by the rules you get more rules. There’s no rules for people who don’t follow the rules."
-- Adam Carolla

At some point in my early 30s....I reached a point where I just generally looked at the landscape and said is there anything forbidding me from going and doing 'X'.  If not, I just proceeded on and did it without asking permission.

There's probably a fancy management term  for what I was doing, but I just felt that the strategy of adding rules and regulations....was hindering production and limiting people from doing their best.

I saw this quote from Carolla, who I tend to view on a weekly basis and respect the guy because he's generally right about a lot of different things.  He's correct....California has become a difficult place to figure out the future, and if it's worth staying there. 

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