Thursday, 26 November 2020

Redrawing Districts Chatter

 As the smoke has cleared from the elections across the fifty odd aspect stands out.

After the Census is concluded and certain state lose/gain House seats....Republican-run states won the majority of the state districts election to write the redistricting plan, if they are in the gain-situation.  

Total number?  if you look around, it's 188 seats that Republican states will draw the districts for.  The Democrat-controlled states?  73 seats.

The gain states?  Virginia, Oregon, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Colorado.

Losing a seat or two?  Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Penn, Rhode Island, NY, and Minnesota. 

The odds of various districts in Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Arizona, and Florida being drawn to ensure a GOP winner in future elections (starting in 2022)?  Around a 100-percent chance.  You could see Florida redrawn to such a degree....that three or four districts are no longer 'safe' Democratic seats.

Odds of a contested district redrawing?  Oh, that's a 100-percent chance as well.  But here's the have to take this to the Supreme Court, and the odds are slightly against you at this point.  

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