Tuesday 2 February 2021

Myanmar and Tourism

 Yesterday, I essayed a bit on the coup in Myanmar, and marginally covered the topic of tourism.  Today, a slight bit more on why people go there.

Around four years ago, I watched this 90-minute movie that the German public TV folks had made in Myanmar.  Typically, there are four scripts used for these German public TV  productions: murder-mystery, romance-angle, marginal humor (usually involving Bavarians), and exotic-travel-all-in-one.  You can laugh about the effort, but they generally always go along these lines.  

So this script that was for the German movie was set in Myanmar around some resort hotel, a couple of Germans on holiday, some marginalized script, and about one-third of the movie set to landscape shots of Buddhist temples, ruins, and jungle-like settings.  I should note, they did everything possible to avoid any negative view of the country.  

German interest in Myanmar?  Roughly 30,000 to 40,000 go each year.  I suspect that most want tranquil resorts (no boozing up or party atmosphere), safe places to trek around, and exotic charm. Some might tell you they want hearty noodle dishes, with fish and spiced-up curry added.  

The chief tourists coming to Myanmar?  Chinese and Thai folks....probably making up around 35-percent of the incoming crowd.  The Americans?  Around the last couple of years, it's been up around 50k to 60k folks.  

On the American prospective, half probably watched the movie 'The King and I' and wanted some low chaotic adventure....with the rest having watched National Geographic pieces and want the full-up-over-the-top jungle adventure.

A handful of Americans will remember Rambo #3, and how he had gone into Myanmar to rescue 'Joe' and the boys.  I should note that Myanmar could not allow the production to take place and it ended up being mostly in Thailand.  Later, after the release....Myanmar banned the video import into the country.  Amazing enough, this Rambo movie became very popular with the anti-government folks, and various slogans in Rambo....were lifted for political slogans that are anti-junta.

Over the years, I've come to view Myanmar in various ways, but never had much of enthusiasm to put it on my next-place-to-visit list.  There are several reasons for this:

1.  First, there 39 poisonous snake types in the country.  

2.  Anything within 20 miles of the border is considered fairly dangerous because of drug activity and Army patrols.

3.  There are a minimum of 300 fairly ROBUST spices used in regional foods, and I'd prefer not to test my limits.

4.  Myanmar is considered one of the top ten countries for corruption, and they pride themselves on finding new ways each year.

5.  There is a hiker's trail that a lot of western folks put down for a place to visit (Banana Pancake Trail), which has become a serious magnet for gangs to hang out and rob you.  

6.  Myanmar is currently considered the largest producer of meth in the world itself.

So there are various reasons to go there, and various reasons to avoid the country.  My general advice....if you've never been tested in life and need some fulfilling adventure....Myanmar might be the place for you. 

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