Wednesday, 25 August 2021

When Space Ghost or Deputy Dawg Would Be a Better Leader

 At one point in my military 'life', I ended up working in an organization that was foundering (serious morale problems, leadership issues from several individuals, and a continual negative trend).  

We reached a point (third commander in a year) where the new guy came in and gave us a pep-talk.  I wasn't so much impressed by the 'pep', as I was over the alternate reality that he discussed.....we needed to find a positive reason to just accept a new reality because....frankly, the current trend was crap.  Once you grasped just sat there with no real thrill for the current trend or the pep-talk trend.

From that point on, for the next thirty-odd years....I was stuck in a skeptical state of mind (probably still that way today).

Part of me looks at the continual poor leadership crisis in the country....going across political lines, economic lines, business lines, and even religious lines.  There are instances where you view some example of leadership, and realize that a 12-year old kid or fictional character like Deputy Dawg/Space Ghost could probably do a better job.

The idea of leadership changing, and a recovery is on the way?  Don't count on it.

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