Thursday, 23 December 2021

The Real Job as President?

I know some of you won't agree with this 'thought'.....but I tend to see the President's chief function/ just persuading on 'something'. 

It doesn't matter if it's a war in the Balkans, or punishing the evil Russians, or suggesting that taxes have to creep up to pay for stuff we are giving away, or making you feel good over achievements to defeat racism, or giving you a hyped-up feeling over downsizing the nation's drug problems.  

 Probably since the 1920s....we've been dealt a thousand problems, and Presidents size up the mess....give speeches or gear the nation for a persuasion situation.  

So, we come to President Joe Biden.  

On some weird persuasion 'index' (one to ten).....Biden is marginally delivering at two or three on just about every single topic.

I just can't recall a President stumbling around at this level.  Maybe Carter gave several crappy speeches and just walked around with a successful speech one day.  Then he'd do a crappy no-thrills speech the next day.  

2021?  It's been a full year of comical persuasion.  For me, it was like a used-car dealer talking up a 1970 AMC Gremlin.  Two minutes into the Gremlin just want to leave the sales lot without being hindered by the sales guy.

Was Joe Biden always a dismal persuasion guy?  I sat and thought about this.  From the 1990s, there's nothing to really indicate he had persuasion talents.  Even as VP for Obama.....he never gave a 4-star performance for persuading people.  In 2020?  It was a choice of Joe Biden's dismal persuasion factor or Bernie Sander's crappy persuasion capability.  You picked the lesser of two evils.

So here we are.

2022?  I'd expect more of the same.  Maybe it's time that Joe hires up a sign language gal like the Latin American dictators use.....swinging her arms, body and boobs around......captivating you more than the clumsy dictator himself.  

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