Sunday 24 April 2022

My Prediction Over Disney

 Presently, the DIS stock situation is around $118 per share (down from a year ago when it was at $186....meaning a loss of about 36-percent in one-year).  

They were hurt to a great extent by Covid, marginal tourism for two years, and movies hitting the theaters with no audience return because of the virus.

So, my general prediction:

1.  Toward the last two months of 2022....I think the stock will fall to around $82 (losing another 30-percent).

2.  Of the ten board the close of least four of them will have resigned.  

3.  A hostile take-over chat will start by early 2023 (before the next stock-holder meeting), with the stock probably around the high $40s at that point.  Several IRA/mutual funds will have dumped their holdings because of the continuing downward trend.  This will speed-up the decline of value for the stock.  Some analysts will remark that somewhere around the 2010 era, when the stock was valued at $40....that was probably where it should have lingered and they are way-overvalued.  

4.  The take-over?  I think it'll be a partnership involving Sony and at least three travel companies.

5.  Disney will then be bought (forced to the table) and carved up.  The cruise business, hotels, and theme parks will be all controlled by the travel companies.  Sony will end up with the studio and streaming video service.  

6.  People will notice in the first week of new ownership....of the top one-hundred executives with Disney....less than five will remain (the rest are let go).

7.  Somewhere in this distribution business....the state of Florida will be offered one or two of the business fronts, for a sum of help finance the whole deal.  They will turn the deal down.  

8.  Over the course of 2023/ least twenty different books will be written about the 'fall' of Disney and how they designed their failure.  

9.  Some country-and-western singer will write a tune about 'Walt' weeping off in a bar.....someone done him wrong kind of tune, and they-took-his-woman sorrow theme.  

10.  The Marvel and Star Wars 'stuff'?  It will be carved off and sold to Warner help finance the takeover. 

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