Thursday 28 April 2022

Q-and-A: 28 Apr 2022

1. With all this chatter about trans-stuff and some school districts wanting to get down into kindergarten-age kids (4-to-6)....isn't there a problem when discussing 'pronouns'? marginally start discussing verbs, pronouns, adverbs, the 2nd grade, and to be's more like the 3rd grade when you start to pay attention to stuff like this.  So it's a mystery to me how you bring up 'pronouns' with 4-year old kids.

2.  Is Spotify thriving?

It's a curious thing....up until all that chatter with Joe Rogan started was questionable if Spotify would thrive and grow.  Then the left folks got all hyped-up and suddenly thousands signed up to check out Spotify.  At this point, based on general numbers....I'd say they will survive until some shows up to buy them (you that Elon-guy).

3.  Is this new target country in the 'Russia-war' going to create a problem?

So, you pull up a map.  What Russia controls at the southeast and eastern part of the Ukraine.  The idea is....they want to move west....cover the whole coastal plain, and then reach to Moldovia (far west side of Ukraine).  

There's a strategic issue here....there is a massive resupply area in the middle....stretching about 300 miles from nearest Russian 'land'.  Whichever idiots get the mission of going into Moldovia....might have seven days of ammo/food on them, and if Ukraine puts up a serious fight and cuts off the resupply line....that group is screwed.

All this makes you wonder...if the Ukraine 'pinched' this group of say 5,000 Conscripts would Putin explain this to the public?  

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