Thursday, 14 April 2022

The Assets Story

 One of the curious stories I came across all the hype of the 6th of January 'insurrection' business....someone for the government finally sat down and admitted that around twenty participants of the situation....were Federal 'assets'. 

The admitting game?  Well....this only covered the FBI and Alcohol, Tabacco, Firearms folks.  Other federal organizations that might have had 'assets' deployed?  There are probably thirty other organizations that might have this type of asset, and you just sit there and wonder....did they also have their 'agents' in the mix?

Who works for who?  You don't know.

How does the FBI pay for their 'assets'?  You don't know.

Are there CNN or Fox News people hired to be 'assets'?  You don't know.

How many assets exist in America?  You don't know.  It might be fewer than a might be as many as ten-thousand. 

You might walk around the University of Tennessee campus and not realize that five of the students might be on some FBI payroll and collecting data.  

You might walk into Goggle or Twitter headquarters.....not realizing that ten of their most trusted people....are FBI 'assets'.

A member or two of the Atlanta Falcons NFL club....potentially assets?  Maybe.

The thing I wonder about....going back to the 6th of January 2021....did the asset just report what they saw, or were they part of the planning process?  But you need not one will ever stand and admit that part of the story.

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