Thursday 21 April 2022

Why Does Netflix Fail At This Point?

 In the past week, a lot of hype has occurred that subscribers to Netflix are on the decline....affecting profit and stock prices.

I would offer five observations (being a Netflix subscriber myself):

1.  I will admit from a new-material prospective....they are doing things way ahead of CBS, ABC, NBC, and even the Showtime/HBO folks.  But these projects (often done outside of the US) are done on a lessened budget.  So you can produce a eight episode show in Spain....on a mystery murder situation....with thrills and various 'twists' that rarely come with traditional TV.  The producers will be shocked at the viewer numbers and Netflix will suggest a second season.  

A good example of this....the French series....the 'Black Spot'.  The third season for it?  No....numbers dropped in the second season.

2.  Netflix offered up a fair number of comedy event shows (I assume on a limited budget), which I'd say that half did well, and half crapped out.  

3.  These documentary shows?  Total waste of the budget and whoever ran this department....soaked the company of a fair amount of funds.  I'd strongly suggest....for the company to drop that angle entirely.

4.  Companies in media typically evolve....but in this don't see much evolution.

I'd like to see a 'side-channel' of Netflix to feature 1930s movies.  Maybe offer up each month twelve of the 1930s period movies, and refresh them each four weeks. 

5.  Finally, to the Covid topic.  I think a lot of people joined up with fill the hours that kids or adults were at home.  And when Covid went 'away'....the necessity for Netflix also went 'away'.

Netflix isn't going away, but I suspect by early 2023....they will be valued at some degree to be bought by someone....maybe Google....maybe Facebook.   

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