Sunday 17 April 2022

Yeah, About Those 12,960 Man-Hours

 A kid gets about 12,960 man-hours of education before he gets dumped out the front-door.  It would be more but I subtracted lunch-hours in this mess.

If you counted PE, bad-weather days, and the hundred-odd days wasted on various's probably closer to about 9,900 hours of useful time.

My issue is that you really don't need intense discussions on gender stuff, pronouns, or a hundred other social things.  

Yeah, that 9,900 man-hours are of some value.  

If they aren't of true value.....maybe we should shorten the whole mess down to eight years of school and just dump you at that point.

The fact that you might get 720 of those man-hours with some science teacher who refuses to teach evolution?  Yeah, that might be a problem.

The fact that you might waste 600 of those man-hours with a math teacher who can't get twenty different math concepts across to you?

The fact that you might have some teacher trying to explain something of no use to you in the real world.....for thirty hours each school year?  

Maybe in the end....hours do matter.

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