Tuesday 17 May 2022

Ten Things That Regular People Can't Grasp

 1.  All this yacking about paying you fair share of taxes....goes in a spiral.  Who wrote the current tax code?  Senators and House members.  When a company makes 500-million in profit, and only pays 1-million in taxes?  Well....the code has hundreds of thousands of credits.....you build your company to the code, and you take revenue out of the government's hand.  

So when Presidents hypes up 'fair share'.....he's one of the reasons why they 'can't pay' their fair share.

2.  Dropboxes for absentee voting....make no sense, unless you had a clerk there to stamp it official going into the box, and a guard to ensure only one single drop per  person.

3.  There is no law to say you must use correct English, bully-pronouns, or even be able speak any English.  Nothing in the Constitution deals with language, or forcing you to comply with pronoun games.  I should also note, nothing in the Constitution says you can't cuss.....use the four-letter words, or forbid 'slut' from being used.

4.  If you work for a business.....your only focus for the business is to make the product/service successful.  If you can't focus on that....you need to find other work or learn to hunt rabbits/deer.  

5.  Marginally intelligent people deserve a chance to be generals, Congressmen, Senators, and President.  Then after you had one or two people prove their marginal intelligence......you can forget about this idea, and find busy-work for these folks. 

6.  When you stand in front of teachers and educational people....getting cut off from reading the material that your kid brought home from school....for being too sexual....what does that really indicate?  

7.  Raising taxes....on anyone.....doesn't have a positive relationship to inflation.  In fact, if anything.....it pushes inflation a notch or two higher.

8.  Within 90 days, because of lessening food shuffles going on....the US is going to be called upon to save Afghanistan from mass starvation.  Wanna take a guess how it's to be handled?  Same goofball who planned the exit strategy to run this strategy? 

9.  Elon says that printing money inflates inflation.  Generally, if you don't print money....tighten your budget requirements a little bit, and grumble for about a year....your mess goes away.  Once you print money, that one year goes to 18 to 24 months of a recession.

10.  If you start having fear over going to school, church, grocery-shopping, or sitting on a park bench....what does that say about your community?


LargeMarge said...

Sometime around the mid-1970s, I read the American taxes code, the version serviced by internal revenue servicers.
I immediately noticed an enormous amount of 'special laws', those specifications so detailed, the could only apply to one person or business.
An example of this:
* "... this paragraph excludes any entity created between February 12, 1952 and May 6, 1961, and including not more than eighty employees and not a participant in the 1948 trades agreement while supporting its objectives..."
At that point, I grasped the depth of the scam.
Flipping through, I encountered similar exclusions on every page, leading an astute observer to consider secession.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I worked once with a NCO who'd spent six years in Montana. She and the husband had bought some rough horse land (maybe 150 acres), put up a small cabin, a garage, and a stable. At the conclusion of her time there, she put it up for sale and was shocked at the value (counting construction cost/land original value)....she was making four times that on the return.

Worried, she went to the Montana tax accountant before she left the state. He reassured her...nothing on the sale would result in a tax situation. He dug out the code. Someone had gotten Congress to insert a couple of lines of tax code. As long as the property was noted as a horse ranch (in Montana)...whatever it sold for, was zero fed-taxed.

There are probably 20,000 circumstances like that in the code...written for particular people. You wouldn't get the tax break, if it were a horse ranch in Mississippi.