Saturday 25 June 2022


 1.  VP Harris comment after Supreme Court decision: "This decision is even too hard for me to swallow."

Don't get no funny ideas here....she was serious.

2.  Based on what I've seen off TV this AM (Saturday).....seems to be a lot of insurrection going on (not just in DC).

3.  Someone asked the question Mitch McConnell a Republican?

I think if you did a line by line assessment....he's marginally a Republican, and mostly attached to a dozen lobbyists.  Perhaps the better question to McConnell even a Kentuckian?  

4.  If you wanted an example of how crappy Red-Flag laws work....use Hunter Biden as an example.

5.  Prior to 2010....'Fact-Checkers' didn't really exist.  In the past decade....this 'art-form' comes up daily now.  

It is kinda funny....based on 'Fact-Checker' production....people are now even more distrusting of the news media than before.  

6.  About twenty years ago, I would occasionally listen to newsmen Keith Olbermann.  He says about 500 things in a one-hour 'talk'.  I will can discount about 480 of those things mentioned.....but occasionally, he slips in a gem.

This past three days?  Olbermann has more or less had some massive 'break-down' and gone way off into the 'woods'.  

7.  There are three crappy things going wrong in America, and dissolving the republic: (a) censorship/bias views, (b) efforts continue to bring people into tribal conflicts, and (c) lot of stupid kids attending college....getting degrees as they exit...still as stupid as they were four years earlier.

8.  New CNN boss said something about 'serious journalism' now required because of consequential society issues. 

What's that really mean?  I think the Trump-is-our-butter emphasis is finished, and they will try to do investigative analysis.

9.  Finally, a comment on open-carry of guns.  Since the 1990s, it's been accepted part of Israeli just openly carry guns in public.

I'm not talking about pistols on your belt or shoulder....I'm talking about various rifles hanging off your shoulder.  

They go to restaurants, cafes, grocery stores, medical appointments, and schools....with weapons.  

If there's some nutcase or agenda-demon threatening anyone....within a minute...there's probably a dozen people in the vicinity....ready to put the nutcase down.   

For some reason, this system seems to work.

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