Thursday 16 June 2022

The Democracy Story

 So this poll was done....Yahoo News-YouGov ran it.  Question was....might the US cease to be a democracy in the future?

Results?  Around 53-percent of Republicans said 'it was likely', and 55-percent of Democrats said this.

So the reality of this question, and the answer?

Over the past two-hundred years....if you done polls....even in 1812, 1866, or 1935....I would imagine that the numbers suggesting the 'cease' might have come to a minimum of one-third of the 50-percent level.

If you were trying to see the landscape....we've always been on the edge of 'zero-confidence'.  Part of the blame goes to politics being a daily, and some blame goes toward a desire by people to have some authority to guide them.  

Lets also be honest....if someone laid out the evidence that most of the House and Senate big-wigs were getting rich off the democracy (which they are)....we'd question their ability to lead.

Lets also be honest....if someone laid out that maybe five-million votes were manufactured from thin-air in 2020.....our confidence would be shaken.

I'd call this reality something like the 9th season of the TV show 'Dallas'.  If you remember....this was the season without 'Bobby', and it wandered around in a daze....never making a lot of sense and it should have been 'done' at the end of season 8.  But then, we came to the beginning of season 10....where Pam 'wakes' up and just says the whole script for all of season 9....was a dream.  

That's kinda the reality of life in America today.....we don't have a Bobby-JFK-Reagan we are trudging along with Joe Biden-Kam Harris characters....wishing the 'season' could just end.  At some point, some 'Pam' gal will announce that 2020 to 2024....was just a dream.  

This is when you pour 2nd and 3rd shot of gin in the glass.  

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