Thursday 9 June 2022

The Green Tennis Shoe Problem

 About two days ago, I sat and watched a pretty 'dramatic' talk that the wife of actor Mathew McConaughey gave over the shooting episode at Uvalde.  

Her speech involved some green Converse tennis shoes....which she hyped up that they were to belong to some kid who'd been shot at the school.  Strong emotional moment with the green Converse shoes, I have to admit.  

Very dramatic talk and impressed me.  I had owned shoes like this as a kid.  The thing that got me....all the kids who were shot there that day....were of a certain age group, and I looked at the video running of this talk by Alves McConaughey (the wife of Mathew).  The shoes?  Way bigger than what a 10 or 11 year old kid would wear.  Probably 3 sizes too big.

So a bit later....someone took her picture while walking around DC.  Yeah, she's wearing the green Converse tennis shoes.

I tried to make sense out of this.  The only way this works....they were always her shoes to start with, and she wanted some dramatic 'show'. 

Thats the problem with this lobbying becomes questionable hype and you continually have to doubt what you see....even if CNN or ABC brings it to you as 'facts'.  

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