Friday 1 July 2022


 My brother brought up a company 'talk' where the HR chief and company 'boss' talked up the practice of hugging folks....that it would help in some way.  I should note, this was in a southern town, and hugging was...up until the past thirty years....generally accepted in society.

I pondered upon it in a professional atmosphere.

First, as a should not hug anyone that you supervise, and if this were a lady....I'd make sure at least three witnesses were in the room to ensure this was not misunderstood.

Second, don't hug customer or clients....period.

Third, you probably only want to hug folks that you are on a first-name basis with.

Fourth, don't hug need to limit this to just one or two a week....max.

Fifth....accept the fact that about 50-percent of guys don't hug.

Sixth....accept the fact that some women, and most guys....use crappy smelling perfume/aftershave, and you probably need to wash off the scent before you go home.  Your wife, your dog.....might get suspicious of whats going on at work.

Seventh, I'd advise to keep your eyes open, focused and don't close them.

Eighth, you might want to do this before lunch....because some folks use onions and garlic for lunch items.

Just me saying might want to get a label for your shirt that says 'don't hug', and just let folks know that it's a bit too much for you to handle.  Just tell them it triggers you, and you need to 'haul-ass' to a safe zone.  

Finally, I did look to see if any woke stuff is stated on far none.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Anytime somebody comes at me with a hug in mind, I hold out my fist for a bump...
..."Give me some knuckle like the cool people do."
Short people -- and pretty much everybody is shorter than me -- grab around my neck, then pull sideways.
My elbow abruptly against her -- inevitably, the assailant is female -- sternum initiates a rapid shift away.
My victim usually whines "Nobody told me you don't like hugs!" as though it is my responsibility to clear with every parasitic vermin.
My response:
Bitch, you didn't ask.