Tuesday 26 July 2022

Ten Things I've Come To Believe

 1.  With all this trans stuff going on....a 8-year old kid could come out and announce he's the second-coming of Jesus, or an alien from Mars....and his parents would take this as absolutely true.  This is how insane the general public has become in the last year or two.

2.  There are probably more people today in the world....that believe in demons....than in the past 2,000 years.

3.  Everyday now.....I come to view/question...the IQ of people, and if they might be dimwit. 

4.  Some White House slide came up and 'peson' came up (meaning the term person, I assume).  But with the new reality....peson might be a new term we need to get used to.  Like 'men' turning into 'me' and 'women' turning into 'woms'.

5.  With all this sexual chatter going on....has to be a ton of juvenile sex going on.

6.  I'm reaching a point where I assign lying-ratios to political figures....once you get past a '5' on my scale.....I hit the mute button.

7.  Shame in 1980, isn't the same level of shame today.

8.  If you aren't succeeding in life.....maybe you need to just change your definition of success.

9.  Just an awful lot of chatter on social media about castration being a 'good' thing.

10.  With the speed of wokism, and new realities going on....it makes me wonder about the speed of transition in Nazi-Germany in 1932.  Maybe people thinking they needed to fix problems, and just doubled-up on the complexity of problems instead.  

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