Saturday 27 August 2022

My Review of 'Raised By Wolves'

 I sat and started watching a science fiction series this week called 'Raised By Wolves'.   So I would describe it this way:

1.  Mad scientist decides Earth has reached a level of destruction, and has launched a craft with two androids (programmed by him) and carry human 'eggs' to reproduce on 'Kepler-22b' (don't ask me where it is).  

2.  My description of Kepler-22b?  It's a crap-hole that resembles Gila Bend, Arizona.

3.  The two androids ('Mother' and 'Father') probably aren't programmed that well for this type of upbringing of kids.

4.  As Earth is being destroyed, a cult-group has also launched off and landed on on Kepler-22b.  On my cult-meter....1-to-10, I'd put these dimwits at a '8'.  

5.  Somehow, with limited text and story implications....they managed to make 18 of the episodes before ending production.  On content and potential (1-to-10)....I'd give it a '3'.  I admit, I've only gotten to episode 10 at this point, but it's fairly wasted time and effort.

6.  'Father's' humor?  He seems programmed with 1950s jokes.

On weird science fiction's about as weird as you can get. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

A transit of twenty million years each way.
hollywood... bless their hearts.