Monday 31 October 2022

If There Is A Diesel Shortage?

 In the past month, if you read through the BS....there is a potential national shortage of diesel fuel coming up.  

Key area to be hit first?  If you analyze the commentary....SE US.

So how would this work?  You'd have three key groups affected:

1.  Truckers who support grocery/store operations on a daily basis.

2.  Farmers who need diesel to operate farm vehicles.

3.  School buses that carry kids to school.  

The first real sign of trouble?  You stand at a diesel fuel station and the sign has gone fuel delivery for 12 hours.  So you park your rig, or your bus.....waiting.  You can imagine three states in the very beginning and having this issue.

Within forty-eight hours....instead of just forty stations in a 'wait' now have three-hundred.

Delivery of grocery goods?  You start to notice delivery schedules are now 72 hours behind normal, and empty shelves beginning to show.

After three weeks of this....your national problem has extended into the center part of the US, and affecting around forty states.

Blame?  There's at least a dozen choices, but it appears that this has been building up for almost eighteen months.  You can't even make the case that Biden deserves some of the blame.

Some national crisis diesel 'committee' is appointed by Biden to fix this, and what you end up a group of insiders who are creating a more screwed-up fuel system, with food shortages part of the mess....but including school kids who can't be carried to school because of the crisis.   

Hint?  I don't think this goes away in 2022 or'll linger for possibly three years.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

More nincompoopery from the chinese.
Fentanyl in Halloween candy: