Thursday 17 November 2022

Pictures Story

 Someone put these two pictures a meeting of crisis players...Trump-era, Biden-era.

In the Trump case, they were all focused on him and knew that he had decisions in his mind.  He wasn't really there to hear their logic or to listen to their woes.

Trump had this down to a business routine.  There's gains, and there's losses.  He wasn't really a political figure.

In the second picture, you get the impression that there is no central figure.  Biden is in the room, but he's just one of them.  Adding to the discussion.....Biden isn't that focused, or alert.  He might drift into the problem, and then drift out of the problem.

Why take these pictures?  That's my take on this....maybe they think that pictures convey some public support of their greatness or purpose in life.

To be honest, I hate these G20 or G7 meetings....because it's a scripted event.  

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