Saturday 10 December 2022

Was There a Two-For-Two Deal With Russia?

This thing with lesbian black basketball player being released, in exchange for the US releasing this Russian arms merchant (held in prison on a conviction)?  Was it a one-for-one deal?


The original intent was that two would be traded....Russia letting the Marine (Whelan) and the black lesbian basketball player go, and the US getting the arms merchant on the plane, and picking up a German-held prisoner (assassin arrested two years ago for a murder in a Berlin city park).

Basically, there was nothing that the US could offer for the German-held that part of the deal fell apart.  

Ethical crap?  Once you start trading around for people....the whole value-system that you maintain....falls apart.  


LargeMarge said...

Apparently, the ball-player is a dude.
Apparently, another freak-show masquerading as human.
And, based purely on appearance, the dude has a touch of Afrika mixed with a lot of Northern European Heritage... a 'mulatto'.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

This 'dude-story' is fictional with just a photo to suggest marginal truth. Fake news carries the 'water' for the most part. I think the Russians would have early-on said something if this was a trans-player situation. That didn't happen.