Tuesday 24 January 2023


 1.  When talking up about the Russian Orthodox Church....just how close are they to the Russian government?

If Putin called the 'boss' of the church up and said a verse out of the Bible needs editing.....they'd hop right on it.  To be honest, it's less a church, and more of a Kremlin-cult group.

2.  Did AG Garland really utter: "We do not have different rules for Democrats or Republicans, different rules for the powerful or the powerless, different rules for the rich or the poor."

Yes, and virtually no believes him.

3.  Did the Energy Secretary (Jennifer Granholm) really utter that Biden says he "would veto" any bill from House that limits his ability to deplete the Strategic Petroleum Reserve....without any plan to refill it?

Yes.  There probably needs to be some type of law in effect that says the minute you sell x-amount of oil, the clock starts ticking and you have six to nine months to replenish the reserve used up.  

4.  What will the Washington Post bring here in 2023, as Bezos says he'll sell it?

2013 price that he paid....$250-million.  Presently, it'll be hard to convince anyone that it has a value of half the 2013 price (figure $125-million).  In cash....I suspect the first guy to come up with $100-million gets the newspaper and it's woes.

I suspect that a hundred big-wigs knew what Bezos was thinking back in October (selling the paper) and have cash ready to buy it.  No one will be paying full 2013 price for it.  

5.  Is Antifa a domestic terror organization?

Well....my thing is that they cross state lines, which means the feds have to be involved.  Once you encounter a group like this, and the feds won't do anything....you need a special gimmick in place.

In the same fashion that you charge out-of-state tuition at a higher rate at colleges....if you have a out-of-state criminal in your possession....the sentence factor should go up by 30-percent, as well as the fines doubling in nature.  

6.  Local Catholic Church 'leadership' in SF now says that Pelosi never called them to perform some exorcism over her house.....with the hammer-event and her husband?

Yeah, that's what's said.  So either it never occurred, or she got someone dressed in priest outfits (fake guys) to come out and do a chant....to make Paul happy?  

Something about the whole story just doesn't fit.

7.  This dead guy in Atlanta (the guy who fired at cops first) connected to the Antifa stuff.....has a pronoun thing?

Well...Antifa says in some official message that if you talk about him....use certain pronouns (they/it).  Course he is stone-cold dead.  Seems like past-tense usage should outrank pronouns, but that's just the logical side of me saying that.

8.  Ever get the impression that 10-percent of American society is walking around in some form of outrage?

Just getting a half-cooked burger is enough now to set some folks off, and they wreck some burger-joint.  

9.  When some intellectual says they are 'elite'....are they really 'elite'?

With enough whiskey or cannabis....anything is possible.

10.  If someone projects themselves as a 'woman' but has a moustache of sorts.....should you say anything?  

No...just imagine the moustache as being marker drawn, and skip introductions.

11.  Isn't life about a bunch of people feeling under-classified and a bunch of people feeling over-classified?

Yeah, more or less.

12.  Is there talk in the UK about a tax on unused bedrooms in a house?

The chatter is....if you own a 2-bedroom place (or 3-bedroom place), and you only use one for yourself (and your partner)....you ought to pay some yearly fee/tax.  Otherwise, you ought to be forced to move to a smaller place.  Those folks in palaces (16 bedrooms for example) are the ones who will freak out over this.

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