Friday 13 January 2023

The 16-Year Old Idea To Vote

 Draft bill going around with the Democrats....allowing a 16-year old the right to vote in federal and state elections.

Odds of passing?  Zero.  

My view?  If you added text, and said high school ended at 16....or at the ten-year point....yes, I'd probably agree.  

If you added marriage age across the US was then 'mandated' at sixteen....without parental consent...yes, I'd probably agree.

If you added more say that a 16-year old could purchase a rifle, cigarettes', booze or beer, and drive long-haul rigs....yes, I'd probably agree.

But none of these will be added by the Democrats....they just want to pretend you are x-amount of mature, and that's enough for voting.

So using this logic, why 16?  I'd even be willing to listen and go to the idea that a 13-year old kid should be able to vote....because they KNOW just as much as a forty-year old....across half of America.  

With this chatter and stupidity....why not lessen the Presidential age thing as well....allowing a 21-year old to be President of the United States?  

You might as well start asking yourself this....would sixteen year olds even be willing to vote for some 60-year old Democratic Senator, or 75-year old President?  This might not go the way you think....if you got the votes and adapted to this situation. 

Just my humble view.

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