Wednesday 1 February 2023

The Suffering/Guilt/Struggles of Being a Something/Something/Something Male

 Over the past three years, some trend has started up in the US, and it centers on someone announcing you or I having some guilt trip, or some advantage, or some lack of suffering....because we are something-something-something.  

I've tried to make sense out of it.

To be honest, I don't feel any guilt....other than (1) the guilt of having some abundance of common sense given to me in my youth, (2) struggled in being fairly skeptical throughout my life, (3) struggled a bit when offered a 2nd trip to the desert-bar, and (4) feeling some guilt over having traveled a bit further than most folks.

I used to work with a guy who had '2-AM-Guilt'....meaning he'd wake up and feel some pain in his head, and waste 90 minutes of time trying to make sense out of this feeling.  

The chief problem I see here....someone who has zero knowledge of me....trying to assign something/something/something to my lack of woes. It's like some idiot trying to give me advice over cigarettes'....when I don't smoke, or having some intellectual give me a hour-long lecture about my lack of respect for 'doom'.

I almost have a phobia building up now....over this fake struggle or fake suffering business.  I hit the mute button twice as much in I did in 2020.  

The sad thing's those 6-percent folks....the ones that lingered and never did much in life, who now want me and the other 94-percent of folks to stand there and feel guilt.  

The same group wants me to bring my stupidity level down to their level....believe that they can fly or repurpose themselves into another sex, and they can suddenly be guilt-free. Things just don't work that way.

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